Saturday, February 14, 2015

Meet The Fam


Congratulations! You somehow have found your way to our Ziccarelli blog, maybe you know us personally or you're an acquaintance perhaps. It's even possible we don't know one another, but one thing we do know is that you will have more than a glimpse into our chaotic journey. Silly me, for those of you who don't know us, we are high school sweethearts who started our journey together at the age of 16. We welcomed our first born when we were practically babies ourselves, fast forward 16 years and here we are, a family of 5! You may have overlooked our blog name and if that is the case we would like to make mention, if you are looking for a "normal" family blog, you will need to look elsewhere. From health challenges to a difference in point of views, we will leave you laughing and sometimes crying. We will present you with current updates and you better believe we will be throwing it way back to 1998 when our journey first began. Cuddle up...Get cozy...and keep in mind, the purpose for this blog will remind us all... Normal is overrated! ~ Steve and Erica Ziccarelli ~ 

The Ziccarellis- Steve, Erica, Alex, Eva and Veda