Sunday, March 15, 2015

Live On My Friend...

Today, I was scheduled to write about something entertaining and educational, maybe even make you smile a bit. Yet, I was reminded this morning that sometimes, we must go off schedule. Everything does not need to be planned for perfection. You may recall reading that I worked for a cancer hospital not so long ago and when I left, I was well aware that my emotional attachment would not end there. In fact, I think about my patients quite often and my mood shifts just thinking of them. One patient in particular would send me thank you cards from time to time and even sent me a Gift Card when Veda was born. This man and his family, fighting a deadly disease but making time out of their day to send me a card, and let me know they were thinking of me! Actions sure do speak louder than words, don't they?
This morning I woke up and started my Sunday like any other day, with the exception that I was brought to tears when reading that my friend, had passed away. In our talks about our families he taught me to never wait until you are diagnosed with a deadly disease to start living. Today, start living today! All the other things in life can wait...but time and memories will not.
I write in remembrance of my Angel friend whom I never had the honor meeting, but will forever have a place in my heart.
Peace to you and your family F.P.L.


  1. I was wondering if anyone told you, I was going to wait until tomorrow. He will certainly be missed... <3

    1. He certainly will be! We kept in touch via FB, otherwise I more than likely would not have found out until tomorrow... Can't stop thinking about his wife and kids...He always, always, always was more concerned for them than his own well being. If you hear of any ways I can help, please pass this along..

  2. I found your blog through FP's Facebook. FP and S and the kids aren't just friends, but family to us- FP and S are my son's Godparents. There wasn't anyone else who measured up to the challenge besides FP and S, in how they lived/live their faith. We all lost a great man that day in FP, but gained a greater guardian angel.

    S and the kids are doing well and staying busy. S is planning on going back to school to help counsel kids with disabilities dealing with bereavement- so very her, if you ask me.

    If you were that important to FP, you are that important to S. I'm sure she would love to hear from you!
